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Mike, Innovation Consultant!

Taking a critical, precise and goal-oriented approach in discovering which grant opportunities carry the most growth potential is what excites me as a consultant.

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Mike van de Wijngaart, Consultant Innovatie en Duurzaamheid, WBSO, Ugoo.


Continuing to develop, challenge and push myself outside the comfort zone is something that has been well reflected in me over the years. Having grown up in the south of the Netherlands, studied in Texas for three years and lived in Singapore for six months, I have continued to specialize myself in the areas of business development, digitization and innovation. With a Master's degree in Entrepreneurship & Innovation, I'm able to empathize well with different situations our clients find themselves in on a daily basis. Not choosing the path of least resistance, but the one with the most resistance. That's where the most growth is and that enthuses me the most.


As a consultant at Ugoo, I look at opportunities to make innovation (even more) possible for our clients. I like to work in a structured way, where my focus is on effectiveness and delivering quality. Personal contact with customers and colleagues is also very important to me. With my background in Entrepreneurship & Innovation, I get excited to help other companies enable new (technological) developments and discover further growth opportunities. I like to apply my knowledge to achieve the best possible result when applying for (innovation) subsidies.


Besides my work as a Consultant Innovation in Amsterdam, I like to challenge myself in a sportive way. When I was younger I received my black belt karate and nowadays train in the gym. I also like to travel and really enjoy developing my 'creative brain' by making and editing videos.

My friends would describe me as an optimistic and precise person. Someone who always dares to go the extra mile, remains critical but is also in for some fun. I am a social person and you can always excite me for a nice afternoon on the terrace with some friends. The balance between relaxing and hard work is important to me. I think that this is an essential goal in delivering quality as a consultant at Ugoo.

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About Ugoo

Ugoo is a renowned consultancy firm in Amsterdam and Eindhoven. We help to realize innovative and sustainable projects. Enthusiastic young people work for us, who are involved with each other and their customers. We work for appealing innovative companies that want to renew themselves and their industry. We offer freedom of action and the confidence to make your own choices. We are result-oriented, ambitious and professional and celebrate every success. We creatively seek opportunities and solutions. We have an open and direct culture, in which every opinion counts. We're proud at our company and the value we offer.

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