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Jetze Bergsma en Joost Jansma - Consultants Duurzaamheid.

Take the subsidy check

The subsidiy check helps you find out whether your innovative company is eligible for a subsidy. Discover it quickly!

Do the subsidy check!


Does your company produce renewable energy? Do you develop technology for an environment which is free from fossil fuels? If so, you might be eligible for the SDE++.

The application period for 2023 has been postponed until september. An exact date will be published in due course.

Why SDE++?

The SDE++ contributes to the goal of the Dutch government to reduce CO2 emissions with at least 55% in 2030, compared to 1990. The subsidy enforces renewable energy production and CO2 reduction on a large scale.


"Big steps toward a small footprint" is my motto. I occupy myself with sustainable development in the broadest sense: how we can innovate, add value and contribute to societal transitions, in line with our climate goals. My technical background allows me to make technological issues my own and motivates me to help realize ambitious sustainability plans.

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Everything about SDE++

The most important questions about SDE++ are answered here.

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What is SDE++?

SDE++ stands for "Stimulation Sustainable Energy production". It is a subsidy for companies that produce sustainable (renewable) energy and develop CO2 reducing technologies. The SDE++ is an exploitation subsidy: you receive financial compensation for the sustainable energy you have produced or for the amount of CO2 reduction you've realised. The subsidy has a long duration.

Am I eligible for SDE++?

SDE++ is aimed at companies and (non-profit) institutions that invest in projects in the fields of sustainable energy or CO2 reducing innovations. The subsidy mostly applies to industry, mobility, electricity, agriculture and the built environment. You're eligible when you develop an environmentally friendly production installation which you keep in your own use.

What do I gain through SDE++?

The subsidy amount depends on a few factors, such as:

  • The measured sustainable energy production, heat, green gas or hydrogen

  • The measured CO2 reduction

  • The costs of the applied technology minus the profits.

The subsidy amount is recalculated each year.

What must I do for SDE++?

The subsidy is only granted to companies which keep the production installation in their own use. Your installation has to offer sustainable energy for society. This leads to a reduction in gray electricity and a more sustainable business, which contributes to the Dutch climate goals.

What energy themes are covered by SDE++?

  • Hydropower

  • Wind

  • Sun

  • Osmosis

  • Biomass

  • Geothermal energy

  • Aquathermia

  • Heat utilization from spent mushroom compost

  • Daylight greenhouses

  • Industrial residual heat

  • Hydrogen production through electrolysis

How do we help you?

Our expertise in the field of sustainability, technology and the SDE++ subsidy allows us to optimally understand innovations and translate these into a successful application. We take the application process out of your hands and write an excellent business case for the RVO. Meanwhile, you can focus on innovating.

Want to learn more?

Do you wish to know whether you're eligible for SDE++? Do you want advice or help with your application?