The subsidiy check helps you find out whether your innovative company is eligible for a subsidy. Discover it quickly!
The DHI subsidy is aimed towards entrepeneurs with international ambitions concerning export and foreign investments. The application period for 2024 runs from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. The DHI operates on a first-come, first-served basis.
Why DHI?
A lot of opportunities exist in upcoming markets, both in developed and developing countries. You can profit from DHI when you have international ambitions and want to launch a product, execute a project or invest in a company abroad.
During the past 10 years I have become familiar with many different subsidies and have built valuable bonds with my clients. I like to take full control in every trajectory, so my clients can lean on my expertise. I'm relationship oriented by nature, which is why I value open and direct communication. The better I know my clients, the better I can do my job.
Everything about DHI
The most important questions about DHI are answered here.
Is your question not on the list?
What is DHI?
DHI is a subsidy which stimulates international entrepeneurship by Dutch companies.
Am I eligible for DHI?
DHI is meant for:
SMEs with international ambitions.
Companies who can prove their proposed investment is viable.
Businesses with innovative plans for international markets.
Your country must be on the list of DHI countries to be eligible, and there should still be budget left in order to get subsidized. Lastly, your application should be in line with the goals of DHI and the target market.
What must I do for DHI?
One of the following three types of projects:
Demonstration project: demonstration of your technology, product or service in the chosen DHI country.
Feasibility study: investigation of the financial and technical feasibility of an investment by a potential customer in one of the DHI countries. The goal is to realise the export of your technology, product or service through the investment decision of the potential client.
Investment preparation study: investigation of the financial and technical feasibility of your product, proces or service in one of the DHI countries. The investment is done by you.
What do I gain through DHI?
The subsidy reimburses 50% of the eligible costs, with a maximum of €200.000 for demonstration projects and €100.000 for feasibility studies and investment preparation projects. The maximal project duration for demonstration projects is 3 years. Feasibility studies and investment preparation projects have a maximal duration of 2 years.
How do we help you?
We analyse your project to see whether you're eligible. Secondly, we investigate and match further funding opportunities. Lastly, we write the application so it meets the demands and requirements of the RVO. This way you can keep your focus on innovating.
Want to know more?
Do you have further questions about DHI, do you require advice or help with your application? Feel free to contact us!